
Site announcements

It's time to upgrade your grade 12 marks online

by Toronto eSchool -

Worried your current marks are not good enough? 

To meet your university admission requirements or conditional offers, there is still time to upgrade your grade 12 marks online through Toronto eSchool. 

Every year at this time of the University application season, many students from public and independent day schools upgrade their grade 12 marks! Enrolled now at Toronto eSchool. Follow your Dreams, Change your Future! 

We offer 24/7 enrollment and work on the weekends and holidays as well. 

1). To get all remaining midterm/final grades send to the universities by OUAC before the target date on 5/01/2025. 

2). To send all remaining final grades to the Ontario universities by OUAC before the target date on 7/14/2025.

OUAC Target Date for 2024-2025 Canadian University Application

by Toronto eSchool -

2024-2025 Ontario High School students applying to University through the OUAC Undergraduate Application, should take note of several critical dates to ensure that final marks are submitted on time. Late submissions are far less likely to be accepted by the Universities.